Barbara. --- “I’ve been a yoga teacher for over 20 years. I first started doing yoga 40 years ago, after I suffered a severe back injury in a car accident. Yoga was the only thing that brought relief to my lower back — until I used The Mobilizer. This simple, safe and easy-to-use device gives me instant relief in the L4-L5 region of my lower back, as well as for the pain that radiates down the back of the leg from the sacroiliac joint (SI joint). I highly suggest the use of The Mobilizer for anyone who is suffering from this sort of back pain.”
Barbara Bannerman, Yoga
Jim. ---“The Mobilizer enabled me to give myself a great, quality adjustment of T-3 and T-4 the first time I tried it. This device is safe and effective in relieving pain for the upper thoracic tensions and subluxations that many people carry. This area of the body is most affected by our forward head carriage of computer use and driving automobiles. The weight of our heads strains the muscles of the upper part of our back and causes held and out of place tensions of the vertebrae. The Mobilizer is the perfect home remedy for this kind of situation. And it feels great.”
James Dohn, D.C., Hellerwork
Jaimie. ---“The Mobilizer is a great addition to the physical therapy tools that I use. Working in a chiropractic office, I have access to foam rollers, e-stim (electrical stimulation), cold laser, and ultrasound devices. The Mobilizer is perfect for pinpointing specific muscles where other therapies tend to be too broad of a contact. I have used this device to work on specific hamstring muscles. Where other tools have not been able to isolate the muscle individually, The Mobilizer can be positioned to hit the semitendinosus right where the specific adhesion is. It also works great on IT band issues and is an effective post therapy. I have also used The Mobilizer to work out shoulder adhesion. This tool allows you to retract the scapula and work the rhomboids efficiently and effectively. I will continue to use this tool at the office, but also recommend my patients to complement their treatment by using it at home.”
Jaimie TorromeoDC & Crossfit Athlete
Dr.John S. --- Just mobilized my t-spine on your product for the first time... You're onto something with those. I shared a picture of the on my twitter account and hopefully it will create some buzz. Not a big one for tools, but I happen to mobilize my t-spine (poorly) everyday on a roller. This is my new go to tool.
Dr.John S. Rusin,Richard S. ---“Scott originally came to me to be treated for cervical pain, thoracic pain and associated movement impairments. I performed specific and advance joint mobilization techniques, active release techniques, reinforced with postural stabilization exercises and supported with a home exercise program. We worked together through various foam-roll routines and localized stiff segments using two tennis balls taped together. All of which was successful, but not completely. One day Scott came in and told me about a little device he made at home and was using in between his appointments.
“The next week, Scott came back with an early prototype of The Mobilizer. It was perfect. It was the missing link. Scott had invented the perfect tool for isolating and mobilizing stiff thoracic segments. Two weeks later, Scott returned with several variations. They were all tested with various patients, and he had fellow physical therapists test them until The Mobilizer was fine-tuned to its current state.
“Even tough-to-treat upper thoracic segments can now be effectively mobilized. I have since used The Mobilizer on specific lumbar diagnoses and it works great. The Mobilizer is part of my orthopedic physical therapy practice and I use it personally two times a week for maintenance. Nearly all of us have varying degrees of spinal issues that nag us. There is nothing better for mobilizing specific spinal segments than The Mobilizer.”
Movement Works Physical Therapy
Maverick. ---Hey Scott! This is Maverick Willett, From the Europa Expo. Just wanted to let you know that the day I returned from Phoenix, I did legs, and for the first time in over 2 years I had zero back pain or tightness.These mobilizers are phenomenal! As I told you, I have 2 herniated discs I sustained in the military from parachuting, and the nerve damage has plagued/limited me ever since in terms of any kind of weight-bearing exercise that loads the spine. As you can imagine, this limits the volume and weight I can lift in a leg training session, due to inevitable painand tightness in my lower lumbar. Usually, I can only perform a maximum of 4 sets on squats before my back throws in the towel. The night I returned,(afterusing the mobilizers 4 times over the weekend) I was able to perform as many sets as I wanted of not only squats, but split squats and glute/ham raises!! I was amazed.
For the first time since my injury I was able to train until my legs were completely exhausted, NOT my back. I can also tell a huge difference on back day, another day in which my lower back bears a lot of weight through bent over rows and such. I experienced no tightness during that session either. I bought another mobilizer online for my parents to try, and I'll spread the word of how great this product is. I'm a believer! Just thought you'd like to know. Hope all is well. Let me know if there's anything else I can do. You've got a great product, my man.

Show us how you use The Mobilizer to get moving! Use the #MyMobilizer hashtag on Instagram to share words of relief!