The story behind The Mobilizer is the story of Simple Mobility Tools’ Scott Burson. And Scott’s back. Here’s his backstory.
An avid surfer and active participant in aggressive fitness and cross-training programs, Scott has suffered from pain and stiffness in his back and neck for 25 years. Eighteen years ago, he began physical therapy and using a foam roller. (Name a foam roller or trigger point device available on the market, and chances are he’s tried it — and probably uses it daily.) And while the foam roller and stretching techniques he learned in physical therapy have kept him going, nothing he used during his daily stretching routine could ever reach deeply enough to provide the kind of relief he was looking for. The kind of relief only his physical therapist could provide.
Scott designed The Mobilizer with that goal in mind. Initial prototypes — developed with materials purchased from the hardware store — offered instant relief. More than he had felt in years. He passed along a few samples to his physical therapists, who immediately began using them for their own relief, as well as to some friends who are avid athletes. Their verdict? The Mobilizer isn’t just great for the thoracic spine, but other areas of the body, too — it will isolate and loosen muscles more quickly than you’ve ever experienced.
Behind every claim we make, there’s the story of Scott’s pain. He found relief in The Mobilizer. So will you.